Dieting Makes You Fatter

Instead of a diet, the book offers a slow-burn programme for overcoming sugar dependency, while its opening chapters provide more weight to the growing public acceptance that conventional diets don’t work. We shouldn’t wholly blame ourselves when we crash out of a diet, say the authors, partly because: “Just being on a diet sets you up for failure.” Saying that you are going on a diet implies that you will come off garcinia cambogia extract said diet at some point; you just need to tough it out for a bit and then you can get back to normal – in other words, consuming more calories than you expend. Long-term results do not this way lie. There is plenty of evidence that quick-fix approaches to weight loss will never solve the problem: in fact, they are more likely to make you fatter.
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How to fight everyday food guilt

Eating choc

Don’t blame yourself for past dieting failures Diets are marketed as a quick-fix solution not just for losing weight but also for solving all of our life’s problems. “It’s incredibly seductive and I don’t blame anyone for getting on the diet wagon”, says Dr Kausman. “But you are not to blame for all these years of dieting and failing when it is the process of dieting itself that has failed you.” “The first thing is to get people to start being a bit more gentle and kind to themselves.” 2. Practice mindful eating We live in an environment that’s designed to encourage eating, even when we’re not hungry.
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